Monday, March 10, 2014


In this post about Russia, I found an article in content about how Russian soldiers have seized a hospital in Crimea.  This hospital is where Ukrainian soldiers and veterans are held and treated. Some of the patients in the hospital are apparently very sick.  With 30 "claimed Russian" soldiers keeping the hospital hostage, how are they going to cure these said sickly veterans and soldiers?

"Step-by-step, and meeting very little resistance, the pro-Russian troops are dismantling Ukraine's ability to resist in Crimea, reports the BBC's Christian Fraser, who is in the region.
Moscow has officially denied that its troops are taking part in the blockades, describing armed men with no insignia as Crimea's "self-defence" forces."

According to the military, the gunmen took an open fire on a group on protestors.
Things like this are scary.  Who would want to live in a world like that? No one.  And what is there to say when gunmen are taking hostage people in a hospital for veterans and soldiers who in desperate need to be cared for?

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