Monday, April 21, 2014


According to the article, there was an unexpected plane that landed in Iran.  The plane belonged to The Bank of Utah, and apparently it had an American flag on the tail of the plane.  The reason why this was a big deal is because "President Obama has warned that Iran is not open for business, even as the United States has loosened some of its punishing economic sanctions as part of an interim nuclear pact."   The plane had no actual reason of being there and people don't know why it was in Iran.  Apparently when asked, one of the executives in Salt Lake City, Brett King said that "We have no idea why that plane was at that airport." 

"The tracking of planes has become a kind of global sport, as largely amateur photographers post thousands of images showing arrivals and departures in their attempts to chronicle flight paths. In the case of this plane, for example, one spotter spied it leaving an airport in Zurich around the time of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, held in January. Another photographer tracked the plane, identified by its call letters N604EP on the tail engines, departing a London-area airport for Ghana last October."

Monday, April 14, 2014


In the article from BBC News, it is said there was a bomb explosion at a crowded bus station and the blast killed 71 people and injured 124.  "The blast ripped a hole 4ft deep (1.2m) in the ground of Nyanya Motor Park, some 16km (10 miles) from the city centre, and destroyed more than 30 vehicles, causing secondary explosions as their fuel tanks ignited and burned, the Associated Press news agency reports." 

"So there are many dead shot down at the scene of the accident. And as you can see now some of these casualties... we are hoping, we are praying they will be ok. We saw some ambulances bringing corpses to other hospitals."

Monday, March 31, 2014


As many know, there has been a drug war going on for years in Mexico.  Because of the Cartel, going to Mexico has become more dangerous.  I have family in Mexico right now and they live in fear every day.  My aunt and her family went to Cancun last summer and they didn't take anything that associated them to being tourists.   What those in the drug cartels would do, in order to send drugs undetected was they would kill tourists and stuff the bodies with the drugs.

They link above has many articles that have to do with the cartels.  For intense, " A man who died in a shootout in western Michoacan state "has been identified as Nazario Moreno," also known as "El Chayo," a government official said ahead of a press conference set to take place at 7:00pm (0100 GMT Monday).
The previous Mexican government reported that Moreno, a leader of the La Familia cartel, was killed in December 2010. But his body was never located and reported sightings fuelled speculation he was alive. 
All signs point to this being 'El Chayo,'" a government official had said earlier on condition of anonymity about the suspect." (  

Monday, March 24, 2014


When you look up the term deficit in the dictionary, it says: the amount by which a sum of money falls short of the required amount./the amount by which expenditures or liabilities exceed income or assets/a lack or shortage; deficiency. a disadvantage, impairment, or handicap/a loss, as in the operation of a business.

In this article it is shown that India is seeking for more Chinese investments to bring into the country. They are seeking to expand to "bridge the ballooning $35  billion trade deficit."
It also says that , "China-India bilateral trade dipped to $66.5 billion last year and India has been asking China to boost investments to bridge the trade deficit. " 

Monday, March 17, 2014


In this article there is a comparison between the human rights in Korea to Nazi  Germany.  It was said that China would not back up the report on North Korea. 

"The Chinese diplomat, Chen Chuandong, has now gone further by questioning the credibility of the report and making it all but certain that Beijing was prepared to veto any resolution at the Security Council.
"The inability of the commission to get support and co-operation from the country concerned made it impossible for the commission to carry out its mandate in an impartial, objective and effective manner," he said."
How do you feel on Human rights in general? 

Monday, March 10, 2014


In this post about Russia, I found an article in content about how Russian soldiers have seized a hospital in Crimea.  This hospital is where Ukrainian soldiers and veterans are held and treated. Some of the patients in the hospital are apparently very sick.  With 30 "claimed Russian" soldiers keeping the hospital hostage, how are they going to cure these said sickly veterans and soldiers?

"Step-by-step, and meeting very little resistance, the pro-Russian troops are dismantling Ukraine's ability to resist in Crimea, reports the BBC's Christian Fraser, who is in the region.
Moscow has officially denied that its troops are taking part in the blockades, describing armed men with no insignia as Crimea's "self-defence" forces."

According to the military, the gunmen took an open fire on a group on protestors.
Things like this are scary.  Who would want to live in a world like that? No one.  And what is there to say when gunmen are taking hostage people in a hospital for veterans and soldiers who in desperate need to be cared for?

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


This article describes Japan's desperation on how the Royal family is running out of male heirs.  They have actually become so worried that the family won't produce another male heir in time for the eldest son to take over the throne that they have actually considered to change the law to even the eldest daughter can become eligible to take over the throne.

Personally I believe that this might be for the better.  Women throughout the world are beginning to make a name for themselves.  Look at Hilary Clinton and how she ran for presidency back in 2007-2008.  Women are CEOs and are owning their own companies.  This is just another example on how women are beginning to in a way run the world.  Is it for the better? Who knows?!

Monday, February 3, 2014

This Article, published in 2008, is basically about how the life of the French Monarch was after the beheading of Marie Antoinette.  It mostly lists the rest of the monarchs and how their untimely end came to be.